Hey GAIZ! im back bitches.
n e ways i have a TON of projects on the horizon
if u havent seen this FAKE (no seriously its fake) trailer made for a new Mortal Kombat movie i thot it was pretty interesting watch it here
it gave me an idea
ON AUGUST 1st i will be putting together a collaboration of 13 - 20 artists each to create their own original back story for their favorite MK characters
im very very excited about this so if ur interested and think u got sum skills then comment on here and ill keep ya in mind when the time rolls around
LEAFLITE ( Me and LetoVox's new music project)
we have FINALLY put our first song up on MYSPACE go listen PLEASE >>> HERE
also we coverd sum gay country song and made it awesome. watch it HERE!
we really want to get our name out there so if u love me - just watch! thats all i ask!
other shit
- my robot day part is COMPLETE! (for a project with Luis, Yungjazz, Lenkobiscuit, Nathmilburn, Eiomaru and last but not least Tarienn)
-I have rounded up some bad ass artists for a madness day project which shall be epic and crazy
-i have ALL THE VOICES FOR MY SERIES! (thank D-Mac and GiantJuicyKickballs!!!!! they are AWSOME!)
expect the prologue for the series to release at the end of july!
thanks guys!
GO drink its friday.
Oh you and your collabs, i've pretty much come to expect ALL blogs by you to announce a new collab :P
i know i do love em - but atleast my success rate is reasonably high