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Tricks of the Trade? (flash)

Posted by LewToons - September 8th, 2011

Hows it goin' chums

So i was readin JamesLee's last fp post, and i caught an interesting bit of info in the comments

Because i am balls Deep in Echo Force Zero: Vol 1 - - i really need to be thinking about file size and making sure flash wont take a shit on me later in the game - - so i noticed JAZZA mentioned that he converts a lot of his art in his toons to PNG to reduce size - - I had done this before with a few games but i dont do it in my toons - so i started making almost all my BGS pngs (so they will be simple to move/tween and shit like that) also i Blur a lot of the BGs for a sort of "depth of field" effect and blurring just rapes flash..it hates it -so the pngs help with that too

This hasn't been the only time i've gotten some awesome tips from ngs - they seem to pop up every now and then

So do you guys have any little tricks in flash to make things easier or better ? post em on here - i'm sure they will be helpful to SOMEONE!

Heres a few from me:

DO an animatic - or an outline - - i know it seems obvious but i wasnt doing them in any of my toons until pretty recently - and it is such a huge help - - just spend an hour or two (or longer depending on how much detail you put in) and rough out the whole thing, bgs, characters, how long frames are held onto for ect - - doing this makes it super nice to go back - - its kinda like someone else went ahead and did part of the work for you haha

Also mid way through working take your .fla file and throw it on your desktop and upload it to www.megaupload.com and copy the link somewhere - - like magic, you're all backed up and havent taken up a lick of space on your computer (or if you're like me and dont want to waste space on your external ) flash files going corrupt its THE worst - all your work for nothing

so whats your tip? big or small it could be helpful to someone

[ heres a post of progress on efz1 - animatic with background ]

Tricks of the Trade? (flash)


Yeah I use that for some of my toons too... If I didn't, they'd pretty much be unwatchable..

yeah i'm glad i picked up on it , though its a bit more effort converting the raw flash art, i think i'll be really happy i did it in the end. - -p.s. can't wait till your madness toon

I coded a simple little tracker in AS3. That way when I preview the video (especially long ones), I can just track forward or back to watch/re-watch parts I need to.

As I make my movies all in one scene, it's a bitch to have to watch the whole video again and again to sort out issues in the last portion of your video.

If you want the FLA, I can send it.

ah thats genious! - - yeah though i would love that!

Here's the tracker...
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/28a9aa3097aca7fff3bded0aa354bc5f">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/2 8a9aa3097aca7fff3bded0aa354bc5f</a>

Just drag it on top of the animation and make sure it spans the whole thing.
Adjust the size of the buttons however you want.

Here's an example of it in use...
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/f181dcea5b29407ef1365be6b7bf3e4f">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/f 181dcea5b29407ef1365be6b7bf3e4f</a>

ah awesome thanks dude - - also, i love how you just non-nonchalantly link this fuckin awesome animation - i cant wait to see that thing complete, looks epic !

Don't. Ever. Use. Scenes.

If you want to have an animated movie clip alpha-fade in or out without showing all the boundaries of the individual movie clips within it, simply add any filter to the movie clip, and set its strength to 0%. (This way the filter is not actually visibly applied.) I tend to use glow.

Here's an example without any filter: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/0cda767ee03c87d0e901ab82a7990096">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/0 cda767ee03c87d0e901ab82a7990096</a>

And here's one with a filter: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/8505e2f289b5ff9a8a020f861b46f1f2">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/8 505e2f289b5ff9a8a020f861b46f1f2</a>

ahhh cool tip - i've actually always been annoyed with that- thanks mate

That was my TIP. BY THE WAY.


Use the Command Key (or Ctrl on Windows) to quick-clean up your edges by selecting the edge of the paint line and dragging it overtop of itself, which will cause it to delete and you'll have a sexy crisp edge without needing to pull out that pesky eraser!

hmm ill have to try that one out!

Switch to ToonBoom

i always wonder what that is honestly

I save my fla under a new name (number) every now and then (like, when enough progress has happened), so I can go back in case I changed some things that I don't like anymore OR if the fla gets screwed up by Flash. So I always have various steps of the development.

yeah yeah - that can be paired with the upload idea of mine to create back up greatness : )

thundaboom is right but he isn't explaining the alternative, which is using movieclips to make makeshift 'scenes' if you want to break your movie up

try as best as you possibly can to make your audio just one track

also there's a trick for longer/busier flashes that stops that horrid de-sync error that tends to kick in at the 6 minute mark, but i've forgot it (someone should post that)

do you mean by putting the audio in its own movie clip? that will destroy all syncing problems - jordanD told me that one a while back

@ ricetracker jesus fucking christ that you for that tracker, holy shit

*thank you guhh

I've noticed that with longer flash movies, sound delays become a huge problem eventually. This is an ongoing issue with any Flash program. I've discovered that there are numerous ways to conquer it.

The one I find the easiest and most effective is to export your scene's sound separately as one track. This way you don't have 100+ sound effects infesting the timeline. Instead, they're all in one sound file. Once you do that, put that one "soundtrack" into a MovieClip and place that movieclip on the timeline. This, somehow, eliminates any sound delay throughout the scene.

well said : ) i do the same thing

You can use a code in Flash to slow down hard rendering which is the cacheAsBitmap() method, he is just going to store everything you have as a bitmap, so if you have a bunch of vectors which are slowing down, he will give some boost.

Example: (type this in your very first frame)
<a href="http://pastebin.com/kR5Ry118">http://pastebin.com/kR5Ry118</a>

Something I've noticed is the way text graphics shake when tweened, like this:

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/458127f73201da74e455403d4a72e9e1">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/4 58127f73201da74e455403d4a72e9e1</a>

To prevent it, break apart the fonts inside of the symbol. Then it'll become less shaky like this:

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/d00ff2ac5e79e89816acafb3b27a1b05">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/d 00ff2ac5e79e89816acafb3b27a1b05</a>

Also, following up on that png/jpeg technique, I also use it for the entire screen when the action is really fast. I just export the screen image(use screen size)then re-drag it into the stage, removing the objects underneath it. It's a bit of a pain when the actions are long as you have to export then redrag it, but you only need to use it when the file becomes to big and it's much better than people not seeing your frame by frame hard work.

Finally, Use alt when rotating symbols so it'll anchor on the opposite side of the object, not in the center. Very useful when doing pivot animation.

nice tips! - - that text break appart annoyed me for the longest time - - i've actually never heard that pivot one, so thanks for that!

I have a little tip for game makers: if you use a lot of sounds and control them with code you end up raping your preloader, because all those sounds have the "Export in first frame" checked by default. That causes your preloader to stay blank (white box) for a long time because Flash loads all those sounds even before the preloader itself. The way to help yourself with this issue is to uncheck the "Export in first frame" box on every sound item then create an empty movie clip on the second frame of your movie. Then you throw all those sounds there. This way Flash will load your sounds and the preloader will work well also.

Also the BEST and easiest tip to do the simplest thing - COPY, very few people know this:

None of this bullshit: right click, select "Copy" from the dropdown menu, then right click again, select "Paste" from the dropdown menu and then spend 6 minutes to locate where exactly the object was copied.

Grab the object, drag it where you want it, hold CTRL and release the mouse button. Tadaaaaa! It's copied, OMG!!!

wow cool! haha thats actually really helpful - you nailed it on the head with the whole "now, where the hell did that damn copy go?"

That is actually pretty fucking useful. Sadly enough it's AS3 :C

There's actually a project I worked one that uses some kind of youtube player
(seen here www[DOT]newgrounds[DOT]com/portal/vie w/574555 )

I asked for the code but it seemed bugged >_>


You probably already know this but always put your Audio format in ADPCM. yanno. no sync troubles n shit

well i actually never have tried setting my audio to that haha

Here's some complex tweening tips from someone who overtweens whenever and wherever possible:

When you're shape/classic tweening (I don't use CS3-5) many items and you need to apply eases to all of them, even if they're mixed tweens, make them all classic (motion), and then apply ease out -100 to all of them. Then, hold the apple key (ctrl key) to select multiple distant timeline frames at the same time and make them all ease in 100 at the same time. Then turn the shape tweens back to normal, and you just saved about 2 minutes of ease-work.

Unless you use the custom ease feature, which is actually a bit unreliable, but saves even MORE time.

Secondly, when converting an object to a symbol, (like an arm), rotate it so it's flat before making it a symbol, and then rotate it back to its natural position. That way, if you ever end up needing to scale it, you don't end up with a scale that only works when used on both the x and y axis.

Lastly, USE SHAPE TWEENS. Whenever you're doing fbf on a simple shape (say, a torso), it never hurts to check if it can be shape tweened. You'd be surprised.

interesting stuff you tweening tweener - we are all guilty though hehehehehe