Hows it goin' chums
So i was readin JamesLee's last fp post, and i caught an interesting bit of info in the comments
Because i am balls Deep in Echo Force Zero: Vol 1 - - i really need to be thinking about file size and making sure flash wont take a shit on me later in the game - - so i noticed JAZZA mentioned that he converts a lot of his art in his toons to PNG to reduce size - - I had done this before with a few games but i dont do it in my toons - so i started making almost all my BGS pngs (so they will be simple to move/tween and shit like that) also i Blur a lot of the BGs for a sort of "depth of field" effect and blurring just rapes hates it -so the pngs help with that too
This hasn't been the only time i've gotten some awesome tips from ngs - they seem to pop up every now and then
So do you guys have any little tricks in flash to make things easier or better ? post em on here - i'm sure they will be helpful to SOMEONE!
Heres a few from me:
DO an animatic - or an outline - - i know it seems obvious but i wasnt doing them in any of my toons until pretty recently - and it is such a huge help - - just spend an hour or two (or longer depending on how much detail you put in) and rough out the whole thing, bgs, characters, how long frames are held onto for ect - - doing this makes it super nice to go back - - its kinda like someone else went ahead and did part of the work for you haha
Also mid way through working take your .fla file and throw it on your desktop and upload it to and copy the link somewhere - - like magic, you're all backed up and havent taken up a lick of space on your computer (or if you're like me and dont want to waste space on your external ) flash files going corrupt its THE worst - all your work for nothing
so whats your tip? big or small it could be helpful to someone
[ heres a post of progress on efz1 - animatic with background ]
Yeah I use that for some of my toons too... If I didn't, they'd pretty much be unwatchable..
yeah i'm glad i picked up on it , though its a bit more effort converting the raw flash art, i think i'll be really happy i did it in the end. - -p.s. can't wait till your madness toon