Howdy everyone!
A few things mostly Echo Force Zero Related
I have been BALLS DEEP working on it - and in the midst i've created a few new things!
I made a facebook page for EFZ which is basically just a place where i am going to be posting some in progress photos and updates with videos and stuff like that - so i would really love if you guys could pop by and give that thang the ol' LIKE
ALSO i have put up another "tutorial" ( <haha) on youtube - this one goes over how i tackle Backgrounds
check it out!
I have loaded on the previous efz as well to that
I hope to release the 1st full ( ten minute! ) episode as soon as humanly possible - its coming along great and the voice actors have all turned in stellar performances
Other then that - best of luck to everyone on madness day! i cant wait to see what everyone makes, all i know is ....anyone turning something in will have a tough time against THIS BEAST
balls deep