Well - after what i considered to be quite a lackluster season - ( riddled with WAY too much Skylar, and not nearly enough Meth Antics ) i would say the season finale really brought it back for me. (dont want to spoil it for anyone)
Now that this season has ended i think the show can get back to what everybody loved about it - Walt, running around in his underpants with a pistol - and him and jessie in some janky desert cooking up meth with crazy deaths and heads on turtles ect...a fresh start so to speak
I'm not sure how big of a following it has here on ngs - but i think i remember tom mentioning something about a breaking bad collaboration - which i think would be super fun - maybe after some EFZ stuff blows over i might look into putting that together (if there was enough interest & and assuming tom isnt gonna run it himself)
Thats all for now - later all
Breaking bad is good. Make EFZ better.
i got the guy who plays gus to join the voice cast