as i think every animator here will agree - we started learning flash's fun to create your own cartoons!
but i also think we will agree, there are times in flash where you feel a serious lack of will to continue - -recently i've been asking myself that a lot and reminding myself that animating really is FUN
when i look back on projects i really DO say - - "man that was a lot of fun and i learned a lot" (or something to that effect) and it's really only DURING the process that i am pulling my hair out.
but in the end i really do enjoy the process of animating - and just creating something from nothing - i love the feeling of wrapping something up and sending it out into the world
so here's the question
what in animation do you think is fun? what do you take enjoyment from when you are animating copious amounts of content? or simply - what makes it all worth while?
i'm working on something for pico day so that will probably be the next time you see something from me in the portal
for those who dont animate, here is a jpeg that explains how.....right?
I completely agree with what you just said. There are times where I DREAD sitting down and devoting time to animating. However, once the ball gets rolling, it can be fun. The best is "testing" those 20-30 frames you've been working on and seeing your work come to life. I always liked that part.
For me, the part that sucks the most is (oddly enough) the last stages of completion. I always tend to have the most problems with Flash itself when I'm nearing the completion of a project. I'll end up exporting the movie about 50 times before I get it just right.
In the end though, animating IS fun and very rewarding. If it weren't, none of us would come back to it.
On that note, 24HRC is upon us.
24HRC? rly? WEN?