How Goes it GAIZ
So As i mentioned a bit Back - i was lucky enough to get a pretty cool job just a while ago - but just before that, I was working feverishly to find said job op. My main animated focus being Echo Force Zero, unfortunately could not thrive during the time while searching, because it isn't really a "Sit down for 30 minutes and hammer some out" kind of project for me. It really requires some large gaps of time to commit to it - - so i haven't been working on it too much in the recent past.
I did still want to quench my thirst for animation during this time - so i thought up a way to make some short animations which wouldn't commit too much of my time and would be fun and simple to create! The result is this!
During my month or so long job search i decided to try making a few Animated Television parodies ( because i am basically obsessed with tv)and interestingly enough its already gotten more subs in that month than my redharvest channel had all together!
I'll be submiting a large package/collection of these toons to NGs once i have a few more (due to the length of them)
EFZ will be back into full swing now that things are settled in at work.
So long story short - I have sort of fallen in love with this channel which started as just a little project - So i would love if you guys would pop over and check some of it out and even subscribe!
It seems a bit mean just pluggig your YT channel without posting those on NG.
LewToons (Updated )
they will go up on NGs once i get a few more done - and they will be in sort of a "package" -- the only reason i didn't put em up yet is cuz they are so short. Nothing like that oh so familiar comment "WUZ 2 SHORT"