hmm - here's my thoughts
I guess you can kinda consider this a response to you and psycicpebbles chat.
(love both of you guys - heres my two cents)
First of all i Loved this - i thought the pacing was nailed - i never really felt an akward moment and always felt the story continuing forward and keeping it engaging
1. art - i find it HUGELY unfair for people to criticize art saying things like "its rushed" or "its not anatomically correct" - - every thing that comes out isnt gonna look like harry partridge. Some people have their own styles and own ways of handling characters. just because its not AMAZING johnny utah art doesnt mean it doesnt serve its purpose for its intended use.
2- animation - i think the way animation was used in this was a perfect complement to the style of the toon - - it was CLEARLY a hybrid between an rpg/mmorpg and an action style cartoon - the point was driven home perfectly - -i think there was a great mixture of fbf actiong and clever use of dialogue placed throuout
3- characters - yes the characters are magnified. But something people dont unerstand is, when making a series, certain measures need to be taken to give characters their life - - this isnt a 26 ep long series on tv - -and personally - i think the one shot looks we got at the characters left me with a great understanding of who they are and even a fondness for a few.
- - i would go into more but im starting to rant
***and to amend the overused phrase - if you dont like this. just dont watch....but then you may be stuck watching nothing on newgrounds ever besides JohnnyUtah, Egoraptor, and Harrypartridge.***
overall - i really enjoyed this and thought it was a light and fun and original toon that really gets me excited to see whats next! - keep it up kirb! this gives me great hope for my own series as well!