Whats up Newgrounds!
Thanks so much for the great feedback on Staff SUMO Smackdown and thanks to the award givers for 4th place! - - Although i have participated in game jams, this task was by far the most intense and heavy on workloads - creating fully functioning sprites for all the staff (sorry tim and rob! time crunch) took forever - - manly-chicken is an awesome programmer-seriously, check out his stuff
So now that i am (temporarily) done with all the bullshit of college classes, i am ready to buckle down and get some content out. So that being said, here is what i have in store for the summer.
i havent done a toon on my own for quite some time and i have an epic idea all cooked up and an animatic finished - - although something strange happened with it. There was a song about a year ago that i fell in love with and i came up with an awesome idea for an animation - but now that i am getting around to animating it , it seems that the artist has left newgrounds? saddest part about it is i cant remember the name of the artist...bummer. - once i release the toon im sure the newgrounds community can brief me on who the artist was and i can give the due credit
Rex Orion Bounty Hunter in Training
a game i am working on with ArChEr-11
it started about 5 months ago (there have been some large gaps between work but now we are ready to seal the deal and it should be a fantastic game!
Kingdom in the Clouds
a game i am working on with MonoFlauta it is ALMOST READY so i think we will need a few beta testers soon
perhaps around the end of june-ish i am going to start looking to make this new game idea i have.
I always liked the idea of new game styles that havent really been done yet so here is my pitch
basically the game plays something like pokemon or zelda style - -try this a knights quest
but instead of encountering mini little pokemon type battles you engage into streetfighter type combat - think this faith fighter
I wanna make it jam packed with cutscenes and story lines so its really like playing a full blown game (i have a fun idea to make each playable character have a different voice actor)
i am aware it would be a nightmare to program but its something i really want to try to tackle
so thats about it- summer time is upon us
[screen cap from menu of kingdom in the clouds]