So the first full episode of Echo Force Zero is nearing completion and will release in November! (11 minutes long!)
So now comes the time to ship out the scripts for Episode 2, which introduces the remainder of the lead characters - all of whom are cast besides one.
I was going to double cast it, as i have with other roles...but the cast is already SO LARGE ( 13 actors!!) i figured...what the hell, why not let someone else jump in who's interested.
RUSH and REMY Ranger are two Big time Bandits in the EFZ universe. Trouble is they are hugely unsuccessful and anytime they ARE successful, they spend the money on Cigars and suits trying to prove their DAPPER and HANDSOME nature.
Rush is the Over the top go-getting Leader of the Gang ( to be played by Apatheria) and his younger brother is always along for the ride ready to support his older brother in their absurd quest for luxury.
Remy Ranger is the Role( pictured on the Left of the photo ) He is always on board for his brothers schemes but also always doubting them and being very nervous and cautious in the process.
So take a stab at the lines - send them to - and post in here to let me know you auditioned! THE SCRIPTS WILL BE SEND OUT DURING NEXT WEEK SO I WILL LIKELY STOP ACCEPTING AUDITIONS BY THEN
Rush: { lowers his binoculars } There she is boys...our next mark. Gather your things - we're moving out! HAAH!!!!
Remy: Rush... Maybe we should just stick to the old..ya know ..Raiding and pillaging small towns? After all...that is Raga's (pronounced RAW - GUH) ship.
Rush: (over the top & silly) RAGA? never heard of the guy!!!...besides Remy; NO ONES ever been a match for Rush Ranger and his crew heheh...We're the Number ONE most Dapper and handsome gang on Khyon - why should that change now little brother...heh heh heh..(smirking)
Remy: yeah..i know. .. i was just thinking tha- (cut off)
Rush: i don't pay you to think Remy
Remy: ..don't pay me at all...
Rush: just enjoy these cigars and throw your cares to the wind....
Remy: (nervous as always)...oh boy..
thanks to anyone who wants to take a shot! and i hope to welcome someone aboard the huge and awesome cast of this series!